#i30 N Line
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houstonautoweb · 2 years ago
Reviewing the Hyundai i30 Sedan N-Line- Houston Auto Web
This vehicle is not your standard sedan that many manufacturers offer to their clients The newly released Hyundai i30 Sedan N line will blow your mind with
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photos-car · 1 year ago
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bb-latvija · 1 year ago
“Uzlādētā” Hyundai Elantra N sedana tehniskais pildījums pārveidošanas laikā nav mainījies, un “iesildītā” Elantra N Line tagad ir pieejama ar hibrīda spēkstaciju. Pašreizējā, septītā Hyundai Elantra kompaktā sedana paaudze tiek ražota kopš 2020. gada, dzimtajā Dienvidkorejā šo modeli sauc Avante, Austrālijā un Jaunzēlandē - i30 Sedan. Pagājušā gada pavasarī "septītā" Elantra pārdzīvoja restyling , bet tad tika prezentētas tikai "pienākuma" versijas, un šonedēļ Dienvidkorejā debitēja pārveidotie sporta Elantra N un N Line. Taisnības labad jāatzīmē, ka atjauninātā Elantra N izskats tika atslepenots jau aprīlī Šanhajas autoizstādē, taču toreiz nebija nekādu tehnisku detaļu, bet tagad tās ir. Runājot par Elantra N izskatu, pēc pārveidošanas, skatoties no priekšpuses, tas kļuva nedaudz mazāk agresīvs šaurāku priekšējo lukturu un nedaudz vienkāršotās bufera formas dēļ. Aizmugurējā bufera forma nav būtiski mainījusies, bet melnās sekcijas laukums ir kļuvis lielāks. Aizmugurējo lukturu dizains ir vienāds. Elantra N raksturīgākās iezīmes ir sarkanas krāsas inkrustācijas, oglekļa šķiedras spoguļu vāciņi, oglekļa šķiedras aizmugurējais spārns uz bagāžnieka vāka, oglekļa šķiedras izpūtēja apvalki un īpaši izstrādāti 19 collu riteņi. Elantra N virsbūve ir aprīkota ar pastiprinātājiem aiz aizmugurējā sēdekļa un priekšējo piekares statņu montāžas zonā, pašai balstiekārtai ir īpaši sporta iestatījumi, un riteņi ir aprīkoti ar jaudīgākām disku bremzēm nekā citas versijas. Dzinējs tas pats - benzīna “turboserviss” 2.0 T-GDI (280 ZS, 392 Nm), pārnesumkārba ir 8 pakāpju “automātiskā” DCT (divos sajūgos) vai 6 pakāpju “mehānika”. Piedziņas riteņi ir priekšējie, starp tiem ir elektroniski vadāms pašbloķējošs diferenciālis. Ir saglabāti visi īpaši izstrādātie Elantra N sporta elektroniskie papildinājumi, tostarp N Green Shift (NGS) - tas tiek aktivizēts ar sarkanu pogu uz stūres un ļauj uz 20 sekundēm palielināt dzinēja jaudu, lai palielinātu dzinēja jaudu. 290 ZS. Atjauninātā Elantra N dinamiskie raksturlielumi nav publicēti, pirmizveidotais iegūst pirmo “simts” 5,7 sekundēs, maksimālais ātrums ir 250 km / h. Elantra N interjerā nav manāmu izmaiņu: šeit ir uzstādīti sporta priekšējie sēdekļi ar iebūvētiem galvas balstiem, stūre ar papildu N-taustiņiem ir polsterēta Alcantara, ir godīga "rokas bremze" centrālajā tunelī, un ne. elektriskās piedziņas aktivizēšanas poga, tāpat kā citās versijās, elektroniskajam instrumentu panelim ir unikāla grafika. Atjauninātās Elantra N cenas Dienvidkorejā sākas no 33 520 000 vonu. “Apsildāmajai” Elantra N Line salīdzinājumā ar Elantra N ir daudz mazāk agresīvs priekšējais un aizmugurējais dizains, 18 collu riteņi 19 collu vietā un standarta bremzes (jaudīgākas tiek piedāvātas par papildu samaksu). Galvenais Elantra N Line benzīna turbodzinējs 1.6 T-GDI (204 ZS, 265 Nm) tagad tiek piedāvāts tikai pārī ar 7 pakāpju DCT “automātisko”, “mehānika” no klāsta tika izņemta zemā pieprasījuma dēļ. Bet Dienvidkorejā Elantra N Line tagad ir pieejama kombinācijā ar hibrīdelektrostaciju uz 1,6 litru atmosfēriskā benzīna bāzes, tās maksimālā jauda ir 141 ZS. Atjauninātās Elantra N Line minimālā cena Dienvidkorejā ir 23 920 000 vonu (1,69 miljoni rubļu). [integrate_google_drive data="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"]
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actualidadmotor · 2 years ago
Prueba Hyundai i30 30 Aniversario N Line con el 120 CV de gasolina (con vídeo)
La actual generación del Hyundai i30 lleva ya unos cuantos años en el mercado. Fue a principios del 2017 cuando... http://dlvr.it/SqYwCZ
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motorionline · 2 years ago
Hyundai i30 Fastback N Line 2023: domande, risposte e caratteristiche
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decordreamscom · 2 years ago
Micro, small and compact cars will remain and will be gradually electrified in the coming years: All information about Hyundai's plans (Motorsport-Total.com/Motor1) - The SUV fever will not stop Hyundai's micro, small and compact cars. In an interview with Autocar, Michael Cole, the brand's European Director, confirmed that the i10, i20 and i30 can and will live on for years to come. So these three vehicles will not leave us, since the manufacturer is said to be already working on a new generation. With these words from Cole, the rumors of the last few months, which mainly revolved around the future of the i30, have been completely eliminated. Recently there was talk of a possible farewell to the C-segment model, also because of the strict Euro 7 emissions standard: We review the strategy of the models positioned below the Kona. The i10, i20 and i30 remain in our plans for the time being, as do the new models that go with them. We don't want to lose these important customer groups. However, the three Hyundais will change radically in the next few years. The range will become increasingly electrified and it is likely that 100 percent electric variants will be introduced as early as 2030. Especially in markets where the transition to zero emissions is well advanced. In this transition phase and with Euro 7 just around the corner, Hyundai could revolutionize the sporty N brand. We know the company would like to confirm the i20 N with an internal combustion engine, while the i30 N may not have a successor due to emissions regulations. The same applies to the i10, for which - apart from the N-Line equipment - there was and will be no pure N derivative. However, the Korean brand's sportier badge will be associated with future electric cars. These include the Ioniq 5 N, which will be launched in the coming months with a powertrain with around 600 hp. And we are sure that the vehicle family will soon be expanded to include an Ioniq 6 N and other high-performance models.
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trdizifilm · 6 years ago
#2018 neue Kawasaki Z400 enthüllt Modell | Mo... #hyundai
#2018 neue Kawasaki Z400 enthüllt Modell | Mo… #hyundai
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2018 neue Kawasaki Z400 enthüllt Modell | Motorrad #mercedes #benz #car #neue #generation #autos #vehicle #audi #tata #renault #bmw #fiat #tesla #volkswagen #volkswagonclassiccars #volvo #semi #ford #fordmustang #hyundai #transportation #plane #helicopter #toyota #toyotaclassiccars #motorrad #motorcycle #motor #motorbikes hyundai neue modelle 2020 hyundai neue modelle 2021
hyundai neue…
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engineofficia · 5 years ago
2020 Hyundai i30 Fastback N Price, Specs, Interior
2020 Hyundai i30 Fastback N Price, Specs, Interior
2020 Hyundai i30 Fastback N Price, Specs, Interior – Now obviously I’m going to review it and to do that I’m going to talk around the design upgrades over the standard fastback. Show you what’s new inside, tell you what’s good about it, what’s not good about it and of course when I test its performance. Now this car starts at 30,000 pounds.
2020 Hyundai i30 Fastback N Design Exterior Changes
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driverland · 6 years ago
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2019 Hyundai i30 N Line
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webdraw · 6 years ago
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smoothshift · 6 years ago
2019 Hyundai Elantra GT N-Line (i30) Review - Pleasantly Surprised - The Straight Pipes via /r/cars
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2019 Hyundai Elantra GT N-Line (i30) Review - Pleasantly Surprised - The Straight Pipes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q91OFoaCWHw
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actualidadmotor · 2 years ago
Hyundai i30 N Line 120 CV ✅ PRUEBA a fondo y CONSUMO
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bestcarcolors · 2 years ago
Designing the all-new Hyundai KONA N
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Hyundai Engine consolidates the famous SUV body style with superior execution highlights in the all-new KONA NWorldwide cooperation among fashioners Cadillac Logo and Tagline made this venture conceivableVery nearly a totally computerized plan process, including an augmented experience joint effort
Planning a superior exhibition SUV accompanies a remarkable arrangement of difficulties. While SUVs are described by solidness, size, and a high ride level, sports vehicles, then again, need to depict speed, deftness, and a low-to-the-ground appearance. This is the very thing that Hyundai's fashioners were confronting when they began the aggressive KONA N project, the principal SUV model to join the Hyundai N line-up. Their nearby participation with Hyundai engineers, made conceivable through the organization's "Virtual Seat Buck" computer generated reality innovation, was the impetus for getting this "hot SUV" onto streets and courses.
Fuel utilization consolidated for the Hyundai KONA N 2.0 T-GDI (280 PS) with DCT in l/100 km: 8.5; CO2 emanations joined in g/km: 194 (WLTP)Fuel utilization consolidated for the Hyundai KONA N 2.0 T-GDI (280 PS) with DCT in l/100 km: 8.5; CO2 emanations joined in g/km: 194 (WLTP)Fuel utilization joined for the Hyundai KONA N 2.0 T-GDI (280 PS) with DCT in l/100 km: 8.5; CO2 discharges consolidated in g/km: 194 (WLTP)
Fuel utilization joined for the Hyundai KONA N 2.0 T-GDI (280 PS) with DCT in l/100 km: 8.5; CO2 emanations consolidated in g/km: 194 (WLTP)
Davide Varenna
As Hyundai N's most memorable SUV model, we needed to ensure KONA N looked like the remainder of the superior exhibition line-up. We emphasized the more downplayed outside plan components in N-selective red, for example, the calipers and the side ledge engraved with the N logo. What's more, the fashioned wheels are a N select - with a dull glossy silk dim completion and the N logo on the wheel covers.
Davide Varenna
Senior Outside Creator at Hyundai Engine Europe Specialized Center
Seeing the outcome of any model that we intended interestingly is remarkable. We have been dealing with the improvement of KONA N for quite a while, so encountering the eventual outcome for the initial feeling is a supernatural second for all interested parties.
Eduardo Ramírez
Head of Outside Plan Group at Hyundai Engine Europe Specialized Center
Planning the following N model
Each Hyundai N superior execution vehicle - including i30 N, i30 Fastback N, and i20 N - goes through its own extraordinary interaction for outside plan. The inventive strategy for KONA N's outside plan was directed at Hyundai's European Plan Community in Rüsselsheim, Germany.
Designing and the last formative stages, then again, occurred at Hyundai's worldwide Research and development focus in Namyang, Korea. Notwithstanding the distance, the Virtual Seat Buck permitted the organization's creators and designers worked in close couple consistently, continually teaming up to make a fruitful new model.
Refining and catching the fundamental thought
Likewise with each new model, the plan interaction for KONA N started on paper. Essential representations and renderings act as an establishment for additional definite plans later simultaneously.
During this step, the architects implanted the thought with feeling and imagination. They took motivation from instances of effectiveness and execution in nature along with innovation. The fashioners' boundless minds feed into the blueprint for the underlying representations of KONA N's outside.
"At the point when Hyundai N fans take a gander at KONA N head-on, they will promptly feel the elite presentation SUV's power. The front grille configuration is elite to N. The blend of the lattice grille, the famous lights, and the N logo gives KONA N a forceful look. We even dropped the Hyundai logo down from the hat, actually bringing down the front point of convergence."
"KONA N shouts 'execution' from all points. Intended for balance, the enormous, twofold wing rooftop spoiler overwhelms the SUV's back. Hyundai N fans will likewise promptly perceive the mark three-sided third brake light. What's more, to stretch KONA N's exhibition soul much further, we likewise furnished the back with a red highlight line and two huge exhaust suppressors."
Delivering advanced models
The following stage was changing over the representations into three-layered renderings. With regards to making models of more current vehicles, Hyundai's planners have many instruments to work with. Previously, dirt was the essential medium. These days, in any case, all models made at Hyundai follow a computerized plan process utilizing the organization's Virtual Seat Buck, an augmented experience device which empowers the organization's creators to handily outline a plan, render a model, and solicitation a survey from anyplace on the globe.
How it functions is: Hyundai's originators in Rüsselsheim make a computerized room in which engineers in Namyang can see the vehicle and meet "up close and personal" consistently. Involving the innovation in their creative VR framework, the worldwide group could do a stroll around of KONA N together. Besides the fact that they successfully examine could the most recent N model progressively, they could review the SUV in different light circumstances also.
"To give KONA N its wide and sure position, we gave it 19-inch haggles body-shaded rocker. What's more, to give it a near the-ground execution motivated look, we stressed KONA N's strong body style with body-hued bumpers. Hyundai N fans will see the value in the presentation SUV's lively outline and low-ride level."
The Virtual Seat Buck takes into account the quick representation of plan information, as well as variety and trim variations right on time during the plan cycle. This information is then at the same time imparted to engineers even at a beginning phase, which considers a consistent discourse between the two divisions. As each step is saved in the Cloud, it very well may be constantly adjusted and be chipped away at by various offices universally.
The augmented simulation configuration process improves on a Hyundai vehicle originator's work by lessening how much time it takes to see their thoughts acknowledged by means of PC produced 3D models. It gives extension to limitless variety choices and material applications, as well as taking into consideration the powerful show of functionalities like moving parts. These models can likewise be utilized to evaluate this present reality execution, like optimal design.
Right: Fuel utilization joined for the Hyundai KONA N 2.0 T-GDI (280 PS) with DCT in l/100 km: 8.5; CO2 outflows consolidated in g/km: 194 (WLTP)
Left: Fuel utilization joined for the Hyundai KONA N 2.0 T-GDI (280 PS) with DCT in l/100 km: 8.5; CO2 outflows consolidated in g/km: 194 (WLTP)
Left: "The plan of the front air admissions assumes a significant part in communicating KONA N's energy while smoothing out its design. The lower focal admission rules the front sash and carries the visual concentrate nearer to the ground. The side air drape admissions are incorporated into the headlights, making them bigger while improving on the hot SUV's general shape."
Introducing an actual model for definite surveys
An actual model, notwithstanding, is as yet required for a ultimate choice making process. Actual models give an unmistakable encounter that computerized variants can't.
Everything is amazing when it's computerized, yet entirely it's simply not genuine. Vehicles wake up when there's a little drop of water on them. All things considered, you can dissect surface quality.
Consolidating designing's elite exhibition necessities
To modify KONA N's profile while as yet sticking to the designing prerequisites, Hyundai's originators added a huge twofold wing spoiler, a sizeable exhaust pipe, and a major diffuser. By reclassifying the model's elements, planners had the option to instill KONA N with an alternate demeanor.
Like any superior execution vehicle, plan components of KONA N follow the reasonable "structure follows capability" guideline. That outcomes in bringing areas of strength for out, yet additionally upholds the ride and dealing with as well as cooling elements of the vehicle. Body-hued bumpers underline width and carry KONA N outwardly nearer to the ground, however ride level continues as before. This gives KONA N an upgraded sports appearance while as yet conveying a SUV level of solace and ride level.
Additionally, KONA N likewise consolidates aerodynamic motivation. The superior exhibition SUV highlights lower air admissions for better streamlined execution. These give wings for apparent weightlessness. KONA N additionally includes plan perspectives that upgrade wind stream control and further develop cooling, as well as recently planned elite execution edges improved for insignificant weight and greatest strength.
Catching the right inclination
The end result KONA N epitomizes the Hyundai N DNA in light of the three mainstays of N: corner scalawag, regular games vehicle, and race track ability. Corner rapscallion implies that KONA N offers a similar enjoyable to drive and elite execution feeling as the other Hyundai N models, even with the solaces of a SUV. Ordinary games vehicle implies the 'hot SUV' extends the limits of adaptability by consolidating a SUV's innate benefits in everyday driving and harsh landscape circumstances, as well as race track ability. Furthermore, on the track, KONA N gives a genuine gaming experience due to its down like elements which improve driving energy. These incorporate elements, for example, N Smile Shift, N Power Shift, and N Track Sense.
The all-new KONA N was declared recently. The superior presentation SUV is being created at Hyundai's creation site in Ulsan, Korea and will show up in European display areas this summer.The Hyundai KONA family presents one of the greatest scopes of powertrain and trim choices to address the issues of pretty much every way of life
Past the singular advantages, all KONA varieties are worked with Hyundai's client driven center
Deals of all KONA models in Europe have surpassed 367,000 units since its send off in 2017
About 40% of all KONA sa
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gossipvehiculos · 2 years ago
Precios y equipamiento de la edición especial del Hyundai i30 N Line 30 Aniversario https://gossipvehiculo.com/2022/07/12/precios-y-equipamiento-de-la-edicion-especial-del-hyundai-i30-n-line-30-aniversario/?feed_id=25777&_unique_id=62cdf3d4a5824
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trdizifilm · 6 years ago
#Autositz autositzbezüge stoff für Hyundai ... #hyundai
#Autositz autositzbezüge stoff für Hyundai … #hyundai
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Autositzbezüge Stoffbezüge für Hyundai veloster veracruz verna getz grand … – #Auto #Auto #abdeckungen #Stoff #getz
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nasiknews · 3 years ago
Hyundai Creta N Line Officially Teased
Hyundai Creta N Line Officially Teased
Creta N Line will initially target South American market before being introduced in other countries Hyundai Creta N Line Render For folks who want their cars to be a part of their style statement, Hyundai offers the N line variants. Globally, N Line variants are available for cars like i10, i20, i30, Elantra, Sonata, Kona and Tucson. In Indian market, N Line option is currently available only…
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